amLeague produces a comparative visualization of Euro Equities mandate portfolios. To see this analysis, please click here.
* TOP 3 Indicators based on the values of 15/05/2013
About amLeague :
- A fair and representative comparison of asset managers within homogeneous competition universes
- An active sponsoring from a club of institutional investors
amLeague provides its IT platform to asset managers who are willing to demonstrate, in a transparent and an efficient comparison framework, their ability to create alpha.
About Alphavalue :
AlphaValue is the European leader in independent equity research, with coverage of 475 European securities spanning across all sectors. Alphavalue is ranked N°1 Best Independent Research 2012*. Relying on a team of 25 analysts, AlphaValue provides financial analysis using a robust homogeneous and transparent methodology, enabling pure and pertinent comparisons based on financial and extra-financial criteria. As of June 2012, more than 375 portfolio managers around the world use AlphaValue's research.
* Thomson Extel Survey « Grand Prix de l'analyse financière de l'Agefi », according to votes of French Institutional Investors.